Generate more revenue!
Generate revenue from local businesses as well as from google ads on the site & app
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Revenue from Local Businesses

PTA/PTO can generate revenue from local businesses through ads and promotional offers. Local businesses advertise promotional deals to be shared online and in weekly distributions.

Revenue from Google Ad Sense

As parents click on Google Ad bar on the site, PTA/PTO gets 50% of the revenue generated. No hassle - no effort by PTA/PTO to raise additional revenue.

Increased usage drives revenue

Increased membership promises higher visibility to local businesses thereby increasing local business sign ups. Frequent usage results in more clicks increasing revenue from Google ad bar.

Improved fundraising

Online fundraising and enhanced communication engages larger number of parents in fundraising efforts.

Safe & Secure

Share with confidence, knowing everything on Parentscircles is protected by strict security measures. Each school site can only be accessed by approved members who are school parents.

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